What an amazing amount of money we raised yesterday during our Dutch event 'Cooking for Charity'! With this money we will realise a Child Care Centre and a new Cruyff Court in South Africa. Because also children in South Africa need space to sport and play so they can grow.
We organised the 10th 'Cooking for Charity' this year: an extra special edition in the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam. Thanks to our guests we raised €330.750! With this money we will expand our activities in South Africa. We're going to realise a Child Care Centre and a Cruyff Court in South Africa, to give local youth space to sport and play. We already realised several Child Care Centres and Cruyff Courts, in collaboration with the doctor Hugo Tempelman. These are facilities that give the new generation the chance to escape from the vicious circle of poverty and to improve the way of life for all people in the community.
During the dinner, that was served by Jonnie and Thérèse Boer from 'de Librije', our guests could join the lottery and compete in the auction. Among the items was a football shirt of Matthijs de Ligt signed by the Dutch national team together with the famous note of ambassador Ronald Koeman. This little piece of football history, as it's been called already, was worth €35.000!
We want to thank all our guests and all who made this event possible!
Karin Deraedt (KarinDeraedFotografie) & Janus Van den Eijnden (Janus van Eijnden Photography)