Hooray! Today we opened our second Cruyff Court in Scotland: Cruyff Court Alex Neil at Hamilton Academical FC. It’s a special one, because it’s the first Cruyff Court in the world inside a professional football ground.
The Cruyff Court Alex Neil has become part of the Childrens Escape and Serenity Garden at New Douglas Park.
Hamilton legend Alex Neil did the festive kick-off of the Cruyff Court. It was the beginning of a day filled with enjoyment and all kind of sports activities.
Young people will be able to visit the Cruyff Court at all times. The sport sessions and activities that will be organized will give them an escape to the challenges they face in everyday life.
Cruyff Court Alex Neil has been realised by in partnership with Hamilton Acciess FC, the Hamilton Academical Community Trust, the charitable arm of the club, the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery and Cruyff Foundation partner TigerTurf.