Published on 1 November 2024

New York Pizza is committed to the Cruyff Foundation and donates a significant amount to the Johan Cruyff Foundation for the construction of a new Cruyff Court! This contribution comes from a successful campaign where customers donated €1 to the Foundation with the purchase of a promotional pizza.

A mission to encourage children to participate in sports.

New York Pizza is more than just a deliverer of the tastiest pizzas; they are a brand that believes in the power of coming together and sports. Founder and former CEO, Philippe Vorst, explains: “At New York Pizza, we believe it's important for young people to have the opportunity to make friends and play sports together. That's why we are happy to support initiatives like the Cruyff Courts, which provide young people with a safe space to exercise and grow.”

A symbolic hand-over of the cheque.

On Thursday, September 5, the cheque was symbolically presented to the Johan Cruyff Foundation at one of the existing Cruyff Courts. The new Cruyff Court is expected to be located in Amsterdam. The Cruyff Foundation is currently in discussions with the City of Amsterdam to find a suitable location.