In honour of our 25th anniversary and in collaboration with Royal Delft we designed a unique selection of Delfts Blue tiles with typical sayings of Johan Cruyff. Besides societal quotes such as “Alleen kun je niets, je moet het samen doen”, there are other legendary sayings available like “You have to shoot, otherwise you can’t score”.

In all four corners of each tile there are so-called "ossenkopjes”. In honour of our anniversary these have been specially adjusted to the logo of the Cruyff Foundation in which a ‘C’ can be recognised.
Product line
In addition to the sale of tiles with Dutch quotes on it, there are also 2 English and 2 Spanish tiles available.
Dutch (#6)
- "Je gaat het pas zien als je het doorhebt."
- "Elk nadeel heb z’n voordeel."
- "Je moet schieten, anders kan je niet scoren."
- "Alleen kun je niets, je moet het samen doen."
- "Als je iets voor een ander kunt doen, dan moet je dat doen ."
- "Als je te laat bent, moet je zorgen dat je op tijd vertrekt ."
Spanish (#2)
- "Salid y disfrutad."
- "Gallina de piel ."
English (#2)
- "You have to shoot, otherwise you can’t score."
- "Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is."
Part of the proceeds will benefit the Cruyff Foundation. You can order the tiles here: